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Jayant Gupta

(Artist Profile)

Jayant Gupta has been involved in making a variety of works, which evolve from a wide spectrum of emotions and desires; engaging visually through the body and space into the vulnerability of the human condition, its insecurities, fears and complexities... The human being, for Jayant, is a very fragile entity; driven by his own emotions and struggles; between his self-created thoughts and social realities. Deriving an ideal human being from the stream of fearful blackness, sufferings and pain; or even better to say: from the realities of life may be his underlying motive. 

Regular price Rs. 16,800.00
Regular price Rs. 16,800.00
Regular price Rs. 18,000.00
Regular price Rs. 16,800.00
Regular price Rs. 28,000.00
Regular price Rs. 13,500.00
Regular price Rs. 11,500.00
Regular price Rs. 11,500.00
Regular price Rs. 11,500.00