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कृष्ण-छाप (Krishna’s Imprint)

Our Krishna curation for The Monsoon Festival 16 consecutively focusses on two visual idioms revolving around depicting his life and stories. Firstly, we explore कृष्ण-छाप (Krishna’s Imprint): tales of his divine personage through the medium of prints from Ravi Varma Press, other 19th / 20th century printing presses; and later day Calendar art prints. 
कृष्ण-छाप (Krishna’s Imprint)
The print curation starts with मुख चंद्र : Moon Face; presenting two iconic visages of Krishna. We follow up with बाल कृष्ण : Krishna’s Childhood; where we are let into a series of three images, all exploring the same scene, but with very different artistic persuasions. यौवन लीला : Youth Pastimes is a small window into the gentleman’s romantic affairs, and his dalliance with the Gopis and Shrimati Radha. Closing the print curation is विग्रह : Various Forms of Shri Krishna; where we delve into the expansive manner in which he is imaged in different manifestations.

Regular price Rs. 9,500.00
Regular price Rs. 21,000.00
Regular price Rs. 9,500.00
Regular price Rs. 12,500.00
Regular price Rs. 18,000.00
Regular price Rs. 22,500.00
Regular price Rs. 9,500.00
Regular price Rs. 15,000.00
Regular price Rs. 12,500.00
Regular price Rs. 18,000.00
Regular price Rs. 22,500.00